Monday, October 11, 2004: 7:00 AM-8:00 AM
Session A (Pennsylvania Convention Center)
Panel: Frontiers in Plastic Surgery: Separation of the Conjoined Twins
The recent successful separation of two sets of craniopagus twins created a worldwide awareness of the important role of plastic surgery in these complex cases. The story behind each successful separation as provided by Kenneth E. Salyer representing the Dallas team which separated Egyptian boys, and Henry Kawamoto representing the UCLA team which separated Guatemalan girls will be told. There were multiple new barriers to performing a successful separation that needed to be addressed in both sets of twins. Ethics of separation, extensive planning and orchestration of the surgery, key steps in separation, and perioperative care will highlight this panel discussion
Panelists:Henry Kawamoto, Jr, MD
Kenneth E Salyer, MD
David A Staffenberg, MD
Moderator:Fernando Ortiz-Monasterio, MD

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