Panel: Microsurgical Breast Reconstruction: Is It Here to Stay?
Objective: To analyze the methods of microsurgical breast reconstruction using the following parameters : Comparison with non- microsurgical techniques (Pedicle TRAM,implant/expander and Latissimus with and without implants) in terms of time, success, complications and popularity among surgeons; acceptance by patients; reimbursement issues and possible future options. Using these parameters the panel will endeavor to predict whether microsurgical breast reconstructions will be more or less popular in the future. Microsurgical options that will be analyzed are chiefly the free TRAM and DIEP flaps. Also included will be Gluteal, Rubens and LTTF flaps.
Panelists: David Woosuk Chang, MD
Axel Mario Feller, MD
John B. McCraw, MD
Michael R. Zenn, MD
Moderator: L Franklyn Elliott, MD
Sponsor: Panels

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