10:15am - 11:00am: Hand/Upper Extremity Papers
Secretary: Robert Kang, MD
Chair: Keith E. Brandt, MD
Fracture Management of Gunshot Wounds to the Hand
Mark Kiehn, MD, Karol Gutowski, MD, Amitabha Mitra, MD
External Rotation Following Suprascapular Nerve Reconstruction in Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy: Accessory Nerve Transfer Versus C5 Grafting
Jeffrey R. Marcus, MD, Christine G. Curtis, BSc, PT, Howard M. Clarke, MD, PhD
Single Incision Radial-Sided Carpal Tunnel Release with Thumb Carpometacarpal Arthroplasty
Michael S. Wong, MD, Makoto Tamai, MD, Tsu-Min Tsai, MD
Resurfacing of the Upper Extremity with a New Modified Pocket Principle Technique Following Excision of a Circumferential Congenital Pigmented Nevus of the Arm
Mark A. Grevious, MD, Frank A. Vicari, MD
Hand Resurfacing with Superthin Latissimus Dorsi Perforator-Based Free Flap
Jeong-Tae Kim, MD, PhD
The Relationship Between Electrodiagnostic Severity and Three Provocative Tests in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Duck Sun Ahn, MD, Dong-Hee Kang, MD
Treatment of Traumatic Hand/Upper Extremity Wounds with the V.A.C. Wound Healing Device
Anthony J DeFranzo, MD, Louis C. Argenta, MD, Lisa R. David, MD, Malcolm W. Marks, MD, Joseph Molnar, MD. PhD, David Ruch, MD, Claire Sanger, MD, Michael J. Morykwas, PhD
Fungal Finger Abscess in an Immunocompromised Patient
Anthony M. Zacharek, MD, James N. Long, MD, Linda G. Phillips, MD
Sponsor: Hand, Upper Extremity

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