Pseudocyst of the auricle is a rarely seen fluctuant swelling of the ear. Although, various hypothesis on the etiology have been suggested, the exact cause still remains unclear. Chronic minor trauma, which is believed to create intracartilaginous cavity, is accepted to be the most probable cause. Several treatment methods have been used for this benign lesion, but higher recurrence rates can be seen if not properly treated. In this presentation we aimed to discuss a new treatment modality for this rare disorder. A 44 year-old man presented with a large pseudocyst of the auricle that had been treated for several times previously with unsuccessful outcomes (Fig 1,2). For its treatment, we performed curettage and then used fibrin glue as a sealer between the two leaves of the cartilage. At postoperative 6 months follow up there was no evidence of recurrence with a excellent cosmetic outcome (Fig3, 4)
The use of fibrin glue both to obliterate the psuedocyst space and make the two leaves of the cartilage adhere to each other should be kept in mind in this rare disorder in order to avoid recurrences..