Sunday, October 26, 2003

Neonatal Distraction Surgery for Micrognathia Reduces Obstructive Apnea (OA) and the Need for Tracheotomy

William S. Wittenborn, MD, Jayesh Panchal, MD, Jeffrey L. Marsh, MD, and Krishnamurthy Sekar, MD.

Purpose: The objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of neonatal mandibular distraction in treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in the postnatal period in preventing tracheotomy. Methods: This was a prospective evaluation of 15 patients at two centers who were born with severe micrognathia with obstructive apnea(OA) refractory to conservative therapy. Prior to surgery each infant underwent a 3D CAT scan and polygraphic study. After ruling out other causes airway obstruction each infant underwent bilateral mandibular osteotomy with distraction. Age at surgery varied from 5-120 days. Distraction was performed at a rate of 2 mm/day. Callus consolidation allowed for 4-6 weeks and the device removed. Each child underwent a 3 D CAT scan 3 months following surgery. Results: Of the 15 patients, 14 successfully underwent extubation and demonstrated significant improvement in the obstructive sleep apnea. 5 patients had both pre and post-operative 3D CT Scan information available. Postoperative horizontal ramus length increased to 34.8 mm from 23.3 mm preoperatively. Mean maxillary mandibular discrepancy was 8.28 mm pre-operatively, and 2.2 mm post-operatively. In 6 infants pre and postoperative polygraphic studies showed improvement in OA (per hour) by 79%, O2 saturation by 33% and sleep efficiency by 5%. In the 5 infants who had only post surgery evaluation, these results were also comparable. 1 patient required a tracheotomy. Conclusion: Neonatal distraction is an effective treatment of micrognathia with obstructive sleep apnea in the postnatal period in preventing a tracheotomy.

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