Sunday, October 10, 2004

The Use Of a Pump For The Control Of Postoperative Pain In Abdominal Reconstruction

Henry A Mentz, MD, Amado Ruiz-Razura, MD, Christopher Patronella, MD, and German Newall, MD.

Purpose: This study was performed to provide a clinical evaluation of 40 patients undergoing an abdominal wall reconstruction utilizing continuous delivery of an anesthetic/analgesic cocktail through an infusion pump.

Materials and Methods: Forty patients were operated between February 2003 and March 2004. All were part of the same aesthetic surgery private practice. Twenty patients had a balloon pump (Stryker Instruments, Kalamazoo, MI) with a continuous delivery of an anesthetic/analgesic cocktail via a thin catheter inserted on the abdominal wall. The anesthetic reservoir was worned by the patient in a fanny pack for 5 days. Another 20 patients received standard oral and intramuscular post operative analgesics.

Results: Study reveals significant reduction in postoperative pain and discomfort by the use of the pain pump. A questionnaire was provided to the patient to evaluate characteristics of pain, discomfort, side effects and an overall satisfaction rate.

Conclusion: The ease of the technique to place and run the pump along with the benefits obtained such as: early ambulation, less discomfort, reduced need for other post operative analgesics, less associated side effects such as nausea, vomiting, post op delirium, urinary retention and ileus make us feel very optimistic with our results. These findings suggest that the use of a pain pump may justify the extra cost when performing abdominal wall reconstruction cases.

Data will be presented in tables and charts along with photographic documentation of patients and technique.
View Synopsis (.doc format, 444.0 kb)