Sunday, September 25, 2005

Non-Invasive Volumetric Assessment of Keloid Scars In Response To Intra-lesional Steroid Injections

Ben Ardehali, MBBS, MRCS, Helena van Dam, MBBS, MRCS, Reza Nouraei, MA, MB, BChir, Simon Wood, FRCS(Plast), and Charles Nduka, MD, MRCS.

Introduction and Aim:

Intra-lesional steroid treatment for a raised scar is well established, but there are no means to objectively assess treatment response. We assessed the feasibility of monitoring changes in scar volume in response to intra-lesional steroid treatment with application of 3D speckle texture stereophotogrammetry.

Materials and Method:

Subjects without previous treatment to their hypertrophic / keloid scars were followed up during their course of intra-lesional steroid treatment. Pre- and serial post-treatment imaging was carried out at 4 weekly intervals. Result:

There is a significant reduction in scar volume over time with intra-lesional steroid treatment (p < 0.0001, ANOVA). Mean scar volume at the start of treatment was 0.7185 cc ( 2.211- 0.1324). By 8 weeks post treatment the scar volume is reduced by more than 50% its pre treatment volume.

Conclusion: Three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry is a rapid, non-invasive objective scar volume assessment tool allowing accurate monitoring of treatment response. The ability to objectively measure changes in scar volume will allow evaluation of new therapeutic modalities.

View Synopsis (.doc format, 21.0 kb)