Monday, September 26, 2005

PSEF 2005 Scientific Essay Contest Junior Award - Clinical Research, Integra Foundation: DVT Prophylaxis Practice and Treatment Strategies Among Plastic Surgeons: Survey Results

George Broughton, MD, PhD, Jose L. Rios, MD, Rod J. Rohrich, MD, and Spencer A. Brown, PhD.

Background: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a known serious complication of surgical procedures and a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Plastic surgeon's management of the risk of DVT and current information regarding DVT incidence rates are limited. A survey was designed and mailed to plastic surgeons to collect data on the patterns of practice with regard to DVT in patients undergoing plastic surgery procedures.

Methods: A comprehensive self-administered, anonymous survey was mailed to 1557 members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in March 2003.

Results: A total of 334 completed responses were available for analysis. A subset of surgeons do not use any DVI prophylaxis: 16.4% who perform fact lifts; 21.3% who perform liposuction; and 8.7% who do a combined abdominoplasty-liposuction procedure. Only 48.7 % of surgeons performing face lifts, 43.7% of surgeons doing liposuction, and 60.8% doing a combined procedure use DVT prophylaxis all the time.

Conclusions: These results demonstrate a need for educational efforts and guidelines to direct clinical practice in line with evidence-based data concerning plastic surgery procedures and DVT. Plastic surgeons should be aware of the potential and real risks of DVT and procedures for prevention and treatment to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with DVT in all plastic surgery patients.