Panel: Avoiding Out-Patient Anesthesia Mishaps: The Surgeon's Role
Along with the increased number of procedures performed in out-patient settings has come increased scrutiny from regulators, the public and the press. Many of the high profile adverse incidents that have painted plastic surgery in a negative light have been anesthesia related events, and not related to the surgical procedure. As the surgeon, what is your responsibility? Are you following current guidelines? What specific considerations should you keep in mind when using propofol? This panel will include an anesthesiologist’s perspective on general anesthesia, as well as the view of a plastic surgeon that performs most of his cases under conscious sedation. The latest AAAASF outcome statistics will be presented. The Doctors Company will report on the type of plastic surgery claims they are seeing.
Panelists: Geoffrey R. Keyes, MD
P. Allan Klock, MD
Thomas A. Mustoe, MD
Mark Gorney, MD
Moderator: Ronald E. Iverson, MD
Sponsor: Panels

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