Panel: Special Closing Session: Breast Implants: Use, Efficacy and Safety - The Immediate Horizon and Beyond
This provocative four-hour session will provide attendees with the latest information on breast implant devices, incorporating the most recent FDA status and guidelines for silicone gel. The goal is to provide overall educational instruction for safe and effective implant use. Emphasis will be placed on precise preoperative diagnosis of anatomic variations and how individual patient considerations influence the appropriate choice of operation. Demographic and statistical data on implants will provide a basis for rational surgical planning. Experience in reconstruction with silicone, saline and expandable prostheses will provide a foundation for operative design in cosmetic patients. The development of smart risk management practices and adherence to safety protocols to ensure the highest level of patient safety will be emphasized.
Panelists: Mark L. Jewell, MD
Scott L. Spear, MD
Dennis C. Hammond, MD
Richard A. D'Amico, MD
Brian M. Kinney, MD
Bruce L. Cunningham, MD, MS
Moderator: Foad Nahai, MD
Sponsor: Panels

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