8.0: Thursday, March 17, 2005: 1:30 PM-2:05 PM
Discovery B (InterContinental Houston)
1:30 PM - 1:34 PMDoes Recipient Vessel Choice Impact the Outcome of Microvascular Breast Reconstruction?
Chandrasekhar Bob Basu, MD, MPH, A. Youssef, PhD, Geoffrey L. Robb, MD
1:34 PM - 1:38 PMInterpretation of Doppler Signals in Free Tissue Transfer: A Nursing Education Tool
Brian P. Thornton, MD, PhD, Chris Marek, MD, Daniel Stewart, MD, Henry Vasconez, MD
1:38 PM - 1:42 PMManagement of Salivary Leaks after Microvascular Reconstruction of the Head and Neck
Joshua B. Hyman, MD, Joseph J. Disa, MD, Peter G. Cordeiro, MD, Babak J. Mehrara, MD
1:42 PM - 1:46 PMThe Serratus Anterior Subslip: Anatomy and Implicaitons for Facial and Hand Reanimation
Scott D. Lifchez, MD, James R. Sanger, MD
1:46 PM - 1:50 PMOccult Vascular Injury After Orthopedic Procedures in Lower Extremity Free Flaps
Jennifer Newman Keagle, MD, Shelly Marder, MD, Geoff Hastings, MD, Theodore Miclau, MD, David Young, MD
1:50 PM - 1:54 PMThe Use Of CT Angiography In Free Flap Breast Reconstruction
Eric Chang, MD, James Chang, J.C. Hellinger, Geoffrey D. Rubin, Yvonne L. Karanas
1:54 PM - 1:58 PMThe Microvascular Free Fibula Transfer as a Salvage Reconstruction for Failed Anterior Spine Surgery Due to Chronic Osteomyelitis
Ricardo A. Meade, MD, Detlev Erdmann, William J. Richardson, Richard L. McCann, L. Scott Levin, MD, FACS
1:58 PM - 2:06 PMDiscussion

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