Panel: Anatomy of a Malpractice Suit
Objective: To vaccinate the emerging plastic surgeon against the inevitable day when he/she faces a malpractice claim . Principal focus aimed at realities habitually omitted in residency such as patient selection criteria, informed consent and effective communication, legal procedural tactics, items that help win or guarantee losing the case, and coping with post-litigation emotional scars.
Panelists: Garry S. Brody, MD, Msc
Neal R. Reisman, MD, JD
Phillip C. Haeck, MD
Moderator: Mark Gorney, MD
  Anatomy of a Malpractice Suit
  Panelist: Phillip C. Haeck, MD
Phillip C. Haeck, MD
  Panelist: Garry S. Brody, MD, Msc
Garry S. Brody, MD, Msc
  Panelist: Neal R. Reisman, MD, JD
Neal R. Reisman, MD, JD
Sponsor: Panels

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