Friday, February 2, 2007

Quality of life after Maxillectomy: Obturation vs Free Tissue Transfer

James Banich, MD, David Sieber, Andrew Gassman MD, Kiarash Mirkia MD, and Darl Vandevender MD.

Cancer of the Maxilla can be quite a devatating and disfiguring problem for the reconstructive surgeon. Heroic reconstructions, often for advanced tumors have long recoveries to achieve functional results. The purpose of the study was to investigate the subjective quality of life in patients after maxillectomy, specifically contrasting those undergoing free tissue transfer vs those simply obturated with a prosthesis. Over a 10 year span, 101 patients were treated by various forms of maxillectomy at at our institution. Standard University of Washington quality of life questionaires were distributed. To date, 39 responses have been received. Results showed no significant difference (p=0.2737) in quality of life score between the free tissue reconstruction group and those fitted with a prosthesis. However, the mortality of the reconstructed group is much higher, reflecting comparable quality of life despite significantly more advanced tumors.