BACKGROUND: The alar base is a structure supported by both dynamic muscular and static anatomy. The muscular anatomy has previously been described, however, the ligamentous support is not well detailed. The authors propose the existence of a facial network serving as a ligamentous support for this region and attempt to detail it by anatomic dissection.
METHODS: An anatomic study was performed on fresh hemifacial cadavers studying the relationship between the alar base, lateral nasal cartilages and the pyriform rim. Sequential dissection was undertaken. Fascial attachments were identified and confirmed with the aid of loupe and microscopic visualization. The structures were then photographically documented.
RESULTS: A facial membrane encircled the pyriform aperture in each dissection. This membrane served as a bridge between the alar base, lateral cartilages and the pyriform rim. Consistent anatomic findings were identified: (1)the fascia enveloped both the upper and lower lateral cartilages, (2) it spanned the entire pyriform rim, (3) it incorporates the lateral sesamoid complex.
CONCLUSION: A fascial network incorporates the alar base, the upper and lower lateral cartilages and the pyriform rim. This structure provides static support to the alar base and may be referred to as the the pyriform ligament.