Friday, February 2, 2007

Endoscopic Transmaxillary Repair of Orbital Floor Fractures

Randall P. Nacamuli, MD, Thomas Yen, MD, and Reid V. Mueller, MD.

Purpose: Transcutaneous and transconjunctival approaches to orbital floor fractures (OFF) have known complications including ectropion, entropion, granuloma formation, and scarring. Endoscopic transmaxillary repair of OFF avoids these complications, provides an improved view of the surgical field, and may lead to improved resolution of diplopia. In this study, we review postoperative outcomes in patients with OFF treated by endoscopic transmaxillary approach. Methods and Materials: A retrospective chart review of patients with OFF treated endoscopically by the senior author over a 3 year period was performed. Postoperative outcomes including diplopia, enopthalmos, and gaze restriction were compared. Results and Conclusions: Seven patients with 8 OFF were reviewed. Average patient age was 39 (range 20 to 77 years), time to surgery 5 days (range 0 to 10 days), and average follow-up interval 83 days (range 8 to 491 days). Seven OFF were repaired with Medpor. Diplopia was improved or resolved in 75% of OFF, and enopthalmos was resolved or improved in all patients. One patient had a wound infection postoperatively, and one patient had persistent gaze restriction. Endoscopic repair of OFF's is effective, avoids lower lid complications, and may improve of resolution of diplopia.