21982 Outcomes and analysis when utilizing a minimal incision lefort III osteotomy and rigid external distraction on sydromic patients with obstructive sleep apnea

Monday, October 14, 2013: 11:40 AM
Scott J Rapp, MD , Plastic Surgery, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
David A. Billmire, MD , Plastic Surgery, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
Armando Uribe-Rivera, DDS , Plastic Surgery, Cincinnati Children's Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
Brian S Pan, MD , Plastic Surgery, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
Christopher B. Gordon, MD , Plastic Surgery, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

Purpose:Lefort III distraction is an effective tool to address midface hypoplasia and obstructive sleep apnea in syndromic patients[1].  Conventional osteotomies require extensive dissection and devascularization of the segments.  This may affect stability, growth and lead to increased morbidity.  The authors report a minimally invasive approach with transconjunctival osteotomies and external rigid distractors to minimize morbidity , improve stability and airway patency in a syndromic population.


 Materials and Methods:From 2004 to 2013, 12 syndromic patients with proven obstructive sleep apnea and failed conservative management underwent Lefort III osteotomies through extended transconjunctival and 1 cm vestibular incisions. Ages ranged from 3-15 yrs. Osteotomies were performed with the Sonopet Ultrasonic Aspirator (Stryker) and subsequent rigid external device (KLS-Martin) fixation. Distraction was performed at 2 mm a day and discontinued when airway was deemed improved by direct microlaryngoscopy. Linear bone movements were measured by weekly cephalographs.

Results:2-D cephalometrics were used to assess pre-operative and post-operative midface movement up to 2 years following surgery. The average pre and post-operative posterior airway space (PAS) increase in distance is 8.99+ 5.4 mm (43.5 %). The average pre and post-operative menton to hyoid (Me-Hy) increase in distance was 19.72 + 9.8 mm (47.9%). The average SNA angle increase is 13.4 + 7.5 degrees post-distraction.  Average blood loss was 295mL. Comparative outcome data will be presented regarding operative cost, ICU and overall hospital stay, blood loss, transfusion rates, decannulation rates and peri-operative complications.


Conclusion: Drawbacks of LeFort III distraction relate to extensive degloving during hardware placement and  osteotomy.  We developed a transconjunctival approach to address these issues utilizing ultrasonic osteotomy and limited dissection.   Early outcomes appear to be superior to open procedures with improved stability and decreased morbidity.