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Thursday, November 17, 2011: 10:15-12:00

Abstract is available to registrants only. Please log in or register to view abstract text.

This session would be of particular interest to:
Practicing and Applied Anthropologists
Organizer:  Jonathan Stieglitz (University of New Mexico)
Meta-Analysis of Studies On Cooperative Breeding and Grandparental Investment
Beverly I Strassmann (University of Michigan) and Wendy M Gerrard (University of Michigan)
Quantifying Neoteny: Baby Steps
Erica Kay Muller ()
Childhood Co-Sleeping In the Context of Life History and Extrinsic Risk
Michelle R Dillon (Washington State University) and Alissa A Miller (Washington State University)
When Is Helping a Friend Better Than Helping Yourself? A Behavioral Experiment In Moral Interference
Ashlan Holland Falletta-Cowden (Arizona State University- School of Human Evolution and Social Change), Daniel Hruschka (Arizona State University) and Sveinn Sigurdsson (Rush University)
Sleep-Wake State Tradeoffs, Impulsivity and Life History Theory
Alissa A Miller (Washington State University) and Stacey L Rucas (California Polytechnic State University)
The Faithful and the Faithless: Receiver Psychology and the Adaptiveness of Religious Behavior
Montserrat Soler (Montclair State University) and Rolando de Aguiar (Rutgers University)
Facets of Impulsivity and Fast Life History Strategies: A Heuristic
Casey Roulette (Washington State University)
Infidelity, Marital Conflict, and Wife Abuse Among Tsimane' Forager-Farmers: Integrating Evolutionary Models of Human Sexual Conflict
Jonathan Stieglitz (University of New Mexico), Michael D Gurven (University of California-Santa Barbara) and Hillard Kaplan (University of New Mexico)
Pace, Shape, and Equivalent Age: New Techniques for Comparing Mortality Experiences Among Populations and Species
Oskar Burger (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research), Adam Lenart (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research) and Annette Baudisch (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research)

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