Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Use of Microfat Grafting in Periorbital Rejuvenation: Review of 100 Consecutive Facelifts

Hisham Seify, MD and T. Roderick Hester, MD.


Modern midface rejuvenation seeks to achieve specific aesthetic goals which include correction of midfacial descent and volume restoration. In the lower lid midface interface, the goals include a smooth transition between the cheek and lid junction while restoring youthful eye shape. These ideals may be safely achieved by adhering to the principles of canthal anchoring, periorbital fat preservation or repositioning and careful anatomical manipulation of the cheek and the face. The renewed interest in fat grafting offers an important ancillary treatment to facial rejuvenation. In selected patients, volume restoration with microfat grafting enhances the face lift cosmetic results. The goal of this paper is to study the effect of microfat grafting as a adjunctive tool in periorbital rejuvenation.

Material & Methods:

Retrospective study for One hundred patients who underwent periorbital/midface rejuvenation with microfat grafting.The amount of fat injected in each facial area was documented intraoperatively . The underlying facial aging elements including lower lid laxity, type of midface vector as well as the surgical technique utilized in each was accurately documented.

A double blinded assessment was done postoperatively comparing a group of patients who underwent periorbital rejuvenation without the use of fat grafting to the patients included in this study.


Microfat grafting of the periorbital area is a valuable adjunct to facial rejuvenation. The group of patient who underwent the microfat grafting had better correction of periorbital deformities.
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