Cosmetic Papers
  The Largest Series in the World of Facelifts on Identical Twins with a Comparison of SMAS Techniques
Darrick E. Antell, MD, DDS
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  Restorative Treatment for HIV-Associated Facial Lipoatrophy
Joseph A. Eviatar, MD, Stacey L. Silvers, MD, Michael I. Echavez, MD
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  Disarticulated Fascial-Fat Grafts Offer Superior Viability and Constancy Compared to Fat Injection for Facial Filling: Clinical, Histologic and 3-D CT Correlation
Brent R. W. Moelleken, MD, Richard M. Protzel, MD
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  The Use of Microfat Grafting in Periorbital Rejuvenation: Review of 100 Consecutive Facelifts
Hisham Seify, MD, T. Roderick Hester, MD
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  Is Mesotherapy Effective in the Treatment of Lower Eyelid Fat Herniation?
A. Peter Salas, MD, Mokhtar Asaadi, MD, Bijan Motamedi, MD
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