Tuesday, October 30, 2007: 8:00 AM-8:30 AM
Baltimore Convention Center
Head and Neck Papers
8:00 AM - 8:04 AMSurgical Management of Amblyogenic Periorbital Hemangiomas: Indications and Outcomes
Jugpal S. Arneja, MD, FRCSC, John B. Mulliken, MD
8:04 AM - 8:05 AMSpeaker Turnover
8:05 AM - 8:09 AMLevator Sling Palatoplasty: Do Speech Benefits Outweigh the Risks of Damage to Eustachian Tube Function?
Roberto Flores, MD, Bethany Jones, MD, Micheal Karnell, PhD, John W. Canady, MD, FAAP, Court B. Cutting, MD
8:09 AM - 8:10 AMSpeaker Turnover
8:10 AM - 8:14 AMOne Stage Repair of Cleft Lip and Palate including Primary Alveolar Bone Grafting
Katsuyuki Torikai, MD, PhD, Toshihiko Satake, MD, Takeshi Kijima, DDS, PhD, Shinji Kobayashi, MD, PhD, Takashi Hirakawa, DDS, PhD
8:14 AM - 8:15 AMSpeaker Turnover
8:15 AM - 8:19 AMReduced Need for Alveolar Bone Grafting by Presurgical Orthopedics and Primary Gingivoperiosteoplasty in Patients with Bilateral Clefts of the Lip, Alveolus, and Palate
Sacha I. Obaid, MD, Shahreyar S. Hashemi, MD, Barry H. Grayson, DDS, Court B. Cutting, MD, Lawrence E. Brecht, DDS
8:19 AM - 8:20 AMSpeaker Turnover
8:20 AM - 8:24 AMA Financial Analysis of Operative Facial Fracture Management
Detlev Erdmann, MD, PhD, Keith E. Follmar, MD, Karen Price, CPC, L. Scott Levin, MD, FACS, Jeffrey R. Marcus, MD
8:24 AM - 8:30 AMDiscussion
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